Thursday, November 12, 2009

Karl Marx

This German philosopher is the writer of Das capital.Dialectical materialism,and Historical materialism is the explaination of his own thinking than the other political thinkers of the world. His shortest but influential writing is Communist Manifesto . "Workers of all land Unite."

As a result for the first time worker class formed the socialistic government in Russia.

He is really a great political thinkers of all time.

Barack Obama

Mr Barack obama is the first Afro origin black president of USA. He change the history of USA. The world expected a good president of America, Because we were tired to see bloodshed in diffrent part of the world. Blood for oil and War on terror terrified the inhabitants of the globe. Obama may give us a peaceful world .

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

The charismatic orator and One of the Bangalees within 1000 years was a pioneer LEADERS of BANGLADESH INDEPENCE. After get freedom from British imperialism Bangladesh included with Pakistan although many bangladeshi part leader of that time opposed the matter.Md Ali jinnah governor explain the matter as printing mistake.After 24 years of exploitation the nation got a leader to lead for freedom.

Through lot of movement and blood shading and allout war in 1971 Bangladesh got liberation.

This war divided the world politics of that time.

All the things were the symbolized a person He is Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.He passed his long time in the jail and oppression.


This Indian leader was the real threat of British Rulers in his time. He was western educated barrrister but he call movement to avoid British goods. So he himself made his own clothes by hand . He was always against communalism of politics.

For his active efforts Horizon of India (Untouchable People) got some extent political and social rights.

Many leaders of the world remember his political philosophy in their political crisis.



Nelson Mandala

This south African Leader is the symbol of peace in political crisis. The white leaders of SA imprisoned him for 27 years .In early 1990 he was free from jail for the movement and International pressure.
After free from jail his party form the govt. He elected as the president. But he form his cabinet including the white leaders of his time.
He can revange , But the dramaq is that for the total development of his country he select the path of peace. He got noble prize for peace.
So politics is for future betterment, not for past, and Revange. He is the living legend.